Main accused has been arrested in the case of roof collapse at a crematorium in Muradnagar city of Uttar Pradesh. The Ghaziabad police had announced a reward of Rs 25,000 for any information on the cremation contractor Ajay Tyagi, where the roof collapsed on Sunday. Tyagi is the contractor for the crematorium, where the roof collapsed on Sunday, killing 25 people and injuring 17 others.
On Monday, a junior engineer was among three people arrested by police for the accident, resulting in the loss of 25 lives and injuring at least 17 others. Police also announced a two-member committee to investigate the accident, as family members of the victims took to the streets to protest, resulting in the deployment of a heavy police contingent.
The roof collapsed at the Ukhalarsi crematorium at around 11:30 am, when Jai Ram was cremated on Saturday night. About 50-60 people were present at the funeral. Only those trapped under the rubble could be saved after local police and administration reached the spot. A team from the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) was also sent to the demolition site.
The Ghaziabad police has tried various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) (304 murder if not amounting to murder), 337 (including committing any act and causing negligent harm in any way to any person under 337). First Information Report (FIR) has been filed. To endanger human life), 338 (threatening an unhappy life or personal safety of others due to an act).
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had directed the officials to submit a report. He had also announced financial compensation of Rs 200,000 to each victim’s family members.
CM Yogi Adityanath has taken strict action on the tragic accident at Muradnagar crematorium ghat in Ghaziabad and ordered for NSA on the engineer and contractor along with instructions to recover the entire loss from the convicted engineer and contractor and will be blacklisted for future.