Actor Sidharth on Tuesday issued a public apology after facing heat for his “rude joke” in response to a tweet by badminton player Saina Nehwal.
In an apology posted on Twitter, Siddharth wrote, “Dear Saina, I want to apologize to you for the rude joke that I wrote in response to one of your tweets a few days ago. I can disagree with you on many things, but even my frustration or anger when I read your tweet can’t justify my tone and words. I know I am more gracious than that. For the sake of jokes, if the joke needs to be explained, that’s a great joke Wasn’t, to begin with. Sorry for a joke that didn’t land.”
Dear @NSaina
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) January 11, 2022
“However, I must stress my wordplay and humor had no malicious intent that so many people of all classes have attributed to it. I am a staunch feminist ally and I assure you that there is no gender implied in my tweets. Didn’t and certainly didn’t intend to attack you as a woman. I hope we can put this behind us and you will accept my letter. You will always be my champion. Honestly, Siddhartha, “Added it.