Gyanvapi Row: Ajay Mishra, trains his guns on Vishal Singh, blaming him for the removal

New Delhi: A Varanasi court has dismissed the commissioner of the team appointed to survey the Gyanvapi Mosque complex for allegedly leaking information to the media. Court commissioner Ajay Kumar Mishra also reportedly hired a private cameraman, who has now been accused of leaking the press.

The court, while sacking the top official appointed weeks ago, termed his conduct as “irresponsible” and insisted that any officer appointed by the court should act like a public servant. But Mishra hired a private cameraman who leaked the information, it noted.

The other two team members Ajay Pratap Singh and Vishal Singh will continue to hold their posts and have been asked to submit the survey report within two days.

The Muslim side has been continuously accusing Ajay Mishra of bias and earlier also there was a call to remove him.

The Supreme Court also heard a plea by the Muslim side this afternoon and ordered the authorities in Varanasi to protect the Shivling found inside the mosque and ensure that the prayers are not disrupted.

Before adjourning the matter till Friday, the top court said it would not interfere in the matter and the civil court in Varanasi would dispose of the matter.

The dismissed officer, Ajay Mishra, trains his guns on Vishal Singh, blaming him for the removal. “One should not bring others down to rise up,” Mishra told. “If he had a problem with me, he should have come to me. But what he has done is wrong.”

He said, “I don’t know why I was removed. Vishal Singh had some objections. This is politics. I understand politics. My only fault is that I am straight.”

He said, “Even during the survey, I will do my job and Vishal will do it. I never expected this. But I will keep quiet because I respect the court. I haven’t done anything wrong and my conscience is clear.”