New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah launched several projects in the Bagalkot district of Karnataka. In his two-day visit to Karnataka, the Union Home Minister today inaugurated the expansion of Sugar Mill, the foundation stone of Ayurvedic Medical College, the 75th branch of Vijaya Bank, and laid the foundation stone for several farmer friendship projects. Amit Shah said on this occasion that in 2014 and 2019, the people of Karnataka had filled Modi ji’s vote with votes and since Modi ji has become the Prime Minister of the country, he has taken a big step towards making the country self-reliant.
Other ministers and leaders of the state government were present on the occasion including Union Minister for Coal and Mines and Parliamentary Affairs Prahlad Joshi, Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yeddyurappa, Deputy Chief Minister Govind Karjol, Karnataka Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai.
The Union Home Minister said that the Narendra Modi government worked to increase the use of ethanol and removed the central excise duty on ethanol in the year 2015, reducing the GST duty from 18 percent to 5 percent in the year 2018, so that the ethanol from petrol cane. Farmers have benefited through mills. Shri Shah said that today the process of making 2600 kiloliters of ethanol per day is being done by Nirani Group which is a commendable effort. Sugarcane juice, good, molasses, and rotten food grains were also allowed to be used in ethanol manufacturing under the new fuel policy.
Amit Shah said that when the Modi government came in, there was 1.58 percent ethanol blending, which the Modi government has targeted to increase to 10 percent by 2022 and 20 percent by 2025. Prime Minister Modi has given priority to doubling the income of farmers and in the 2013-14 budget, the Modi government increased the amount of Rs 21,931 crore given to farmers to Rs 1,34,399 crore in 2020-21. The MSP was increased in order to increase the income of farmers by 50 percent more than their expenditure. From the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi, the Modi government has committed to transfer ₹ 1,13,619 crore directly into the farmers’ accounts without intermediaries. More than one thousand mandis were made online and 10,000 FPOs were created.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah also said that under the leadership of Modi Ji, the government took courage by removing Article 370 from Kashmir and solved the long-standing problem.