New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday launched the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana for the residents of Jammu and Kashmir. Officials said that the scheme would benefit 21 lakh people on the basis of Socio-Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011. He said that the beneficiaries would get universal healthcare coverage according to the (SECC) database. Under this scheme, every family in Jammu and Kashmir will now get health insurance cover of up to five lakh rupees annually.
A senior government official told news agency ANI that with the launch of AB-PMJAY Sehat, all residents of Jammu and Kashmir, irrespective of their socio-economic status, would be covered under the scheme. The official said, “The government is collecting details of beneficiary families that may be missing from the Socio-Economic and Caste Census 2011 database. The government will ensure that all beneficiaries are enrolled as soon as possible so that they can avail free health services.
After launching the scheme, the Prime Minister while addressing the people of the state said that today I had the opportunity to hear about the Ayushman scheme from two beneficiaries of Jammu and Kashmir. He said that on hearing the words of satisfaction from those for whom work is done, one feels blessed. Said that I loved listening to you. The government’s commitment is that the benefits of all the schemes reach you.
He said that today is a very historic day for the state. Today all the people of the state are going to get the benefit of Ayushman. I am very happy to see this step being taken for the people of Jammu and Kashmir. My congratulations to all the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir. I wished that the scheme should be launched on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Atal ji, but it was not possible due to some busyness. For Atal ji, Kashmiriyat Jamhooriyat always gave us directions for humanity.
PM Modi said that the DDC elections by the people of Jammu and Kashmir have served to strengthen democracy. These elections were held on a fair basis by all the parties. Election from Jammu and Kashmir to be fair When there is a hearing from the people of Jammu and Kashmir, there is a very good feeling. Thank you very much for the state administration for this. Today is a moment of pride for India. Through this, Gandhi’s dream of village society is won. This is the beginning of a new era.