Bihar, Jharkhand and Bengal will get 100 new trains from October 15

New Delhi: Indian Railways has decided to run special trains in view of the convenience of passengers during the festive season. This decision has been taken in view of the fact that trains are not overcrowded during the festival season. Let us know that during the festival season, the maximum crowd is seen in the trains. At the same time, the railways have given very good news to the railway passengers. Especially, these special trains are to be run from October 15 for people living in Bihar, Jharkhand and Bengal. In view of Durgapuja, Dussehra, Deepawali and Chhath festival, Railways have announced to run 100 trains connecting these 3 states and if the congestion is more, then the number of trains can increase.

VK Yadav, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Railway Board, said in a press conference, “Indian Railways is going to run 200 special trains during the festive season. He said that more than half of these trains will be connecting Bihar, Jharkhand and Bengal. Yadav also said that he is currently stating that 200 trains will run on the basis of estimates. Its number can also be more.

Railway Board Chairman Yadav has directed the general managers of the zone to hold a meeting with the local administration. After talking, review the status of corona virus infection and submit your report to the Railway Board. Based on the report that will reach them after the meeting of local administration and zone general managers of the railway, it will be decided that how many special trains will be run during the festive season.

Earlier in the festival, trains were spread
Let us know that earlier in the festival season, Indian Railways has been running special trains. Especially during Durga Puja, Deepawali and Chhath. In fact, in the festive season the railway earnings also increase along with the number of railway passengers. This is the reason that when the festive season has come during lockdown, the bumper earning rail freight is now seeing special earning opportunities for the passengers by running special trains for passengers as well as additional earning opportunities.

Also read in Hindi: 15 अक्टूबर से बिहार, झारखंड और बंगाल को मिलेंगी 100 नई ट्रेनें