Chitra Ramakrishna is facing charges of financial irregularities and tax evasion after it was revealed that she had shared NSE internal information with potential third parties.
The Central Bureau of Investigation on Friday issued a lookout circular against former National Stock Exchange CEO Chitra Ramakrishna for alleged irregularities.
This comes a day after the Income Tax Department raided Ramakrishna’s premises as part of a tax evasion probe. As reported by the agency, look-out circulars have been issued against another former CEO Ravi Narayan and former COO Anand Subramaniam.
Although this case dates back to the time when Chitra Ramakrishna was the Managing Director and CEO of the National Stock Exchange between 2013 and 2016, she made headlines after SEBI recently issued an order stating that Anand Subramaniam should be transferred to the NSE.
The operating officers and advisors to the managing director were not transparent. According to the SEBI investigation, Ramakrishna was “managed by a yogi”, who lives in the Himalayas in Subramaniam’s appointment.