Almost 100% research says that climate change is not a part of natural destiny, but the result of our activities. This is brought to the fore by a report that found in a survey of 88,125 climate-related studies that more than 99.9% of the studies believe that climate change is man-made.
Note that in 2013, a similar survey on studies published between 1991 and 2012 found that 97% of studies supported the idea that human activities are changing Earth’s climate. The current survey, examining the literature published from 2012 to November 2020, suggests that the figure has increased from 97% to 99.9%.
Mark Linas, a visiting fellow at Cornell University’s Alliance for Science and lead author of the paper, said, “We no longer doubt what more than 99% of research is pointing to. Now the reality of human-caused climate change is There is no justification left for any discussion about it.”
Further, Benjamin Hulton, dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell and co-author of the study, says, “It is extremely important to acknowledge the role greenhouse gas emissions play in climate change. By doing this we will be able to come up with new solutions faster. Anyway, we’re already seeing the devastating effects of climate-related disasters all around us, on businesses, humans, and the economy.” This research was published on October 19 in the journal Environment Research, titled “Greater Than 99% Consensus on Humans.” Caused Climate Change in the Peer Reviewed Scientific Literature”.
However, despite such results, opinion polls, as well as the opinion of politicians and public representatives, indicate that there is still no consensus among scientists on the true causes of climate change.
This is evidenced by the fact that in 2016 the Pew Research Center found that only 27% of American adults believed that “almost all” scientists agreed that climate change is due to human activities. . At the same time, according to the Gallup Poll of 2021, there is still a deep disagreement in American politics that the reason for the increase in the Earth’s temperature since the Industrial Revolution is actually humans.
Mark Linas, lead author of the research, adds, “To understand where consensus exists, you need to be able to quantify it. This means avoiding an ideology based on just selected papers. It is important to survey the research literature in a coherent and non-arbitrary manner. In this context, it is important to know how to place arguments in the public domain in discussing the causes of climate change.”
In the study, researchers began examining a random sample of 3,000 studies from a dataset of 88,125 English-language climate papers published between 2012 and 2020. They found that only four out of 3,000 papers were skeptical about human-caused climate change.
“We knew that such climate skeptical research was scant, but we surveyed it with the assumption that there is still more to be found in the 88,000 papers,” Linas explains.
Co-author Simon Perry, a United Kingdom-based software engineer and volunteer at the Alliance for Science, created an algorithm that searched for words such as “solar”, “cosmic rays” and “natural cycles.” It was conducted on papers and in that program it was arranged that the skeptical results should come up in order. In all, the search yielded 28 papers that were explicitly or implicitly suspicious, and all of this research was published in minor journals.
Linas concludes by saying, “If the 2013 study, which agreed 97% of climate change was human-caused, still has any doubts, the current findings are enough to dispel any uncertainty. Huh. Rather it should be the last word to put an end to this discussion.”