New Delhi: Health officials of Gautam Budh Nagar were posted on two major Noida-Delhi borders on Wednesday, where they have started random trials of corona of people coming from the national capital. Random testing of people coming from Delhi has been announced by District Magistrate Suhas L. Y. on Tuesday after a meeting with senior administration and health officials amid an upsurge in corona cases in Delhi.
Gautam Buddha Nagar Chief Medical Officer Deepak Ohri said that teams of health officials are present on the Delhi-Noida-Direct (DND) flyway and Chilla borders which are two important entry points for entry from the national capital to Noida. We are conducting rapid antigen based tests on people so that traffic movement is not affected. These tests are being done to ensure that the infection does not spread to Gautam Buddhist city.
Many health workers wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) accompany policemen at border locations where they have set up desks for rapid antigen-based testing, which results in 15 minutes. Further action is taken based on the test result.
The health officer said that if anyone is found positive, they are sent back to Delhi. Only those who test negative are allowed to enter Noida. All facilities for testing and logistics are available at the borders. He said that a similar campaign will be conducted on Thursday at Delhi’s Ashok Nagar and Noida Botanical Garden metro station.
Let us know that so far 20,566 corona cases have been registered in Noida, out of which 2,727 new cases have been reported from November 1 to November 17. At the same time, the rate of infection has increased surprisingly in Delhi this month. As of Tuesday evening, 6396 new Corona cases were registered in Delhi in the last 24 hours, while 99 people died. With this, the total corona cases in Delhi have so far been 4,95,598.
Also read in Hindi: दिल्ली से नोएडा आने वालों को गुजरना होगा ‘रेपिड एंटीजन टेस्ट’ से