New Delhi: There is a steady decrease in the number of daily new cases in India. In the last 24 hours, 80,834 daily new cases were registered in the country. For the sixth consecutive day, the number of new cases of Kovid-19 in the country was less than one lakh. This is the result of continuous efforts being made in collaboration with the Center and the States/UTs. The number of active cases of COVID-19 in India is continuously decreasing. The number of active cases fell to 10,26,159 today. This number is less than 20 lakh for the 13th consecutive day. The total number of active cases has come down by 54,531 in the last 24 hours. This is now only 3.49 per cent of the total Covid positive cases in the country.
Also, with more people recovering from Covid-19 infection, the daily number of people recovering from the disease for the 31st day in a row is more than the daily new cases of Covid-19. In the last 24 hours, 1,32,062 people have recovered from the disease. In the last 24 hours, 51,228 more people have recovered from the disease than the daily new cases.
A total of 2,80,43,446 people have already recovered from COVID-19 since the outbreak of the pandemic in India and a total of 1,32,062 people have recovered from the disease in the last 24 hours. The national recovery rate from the disease has also improved to 95.26 percent and it is increasing continuously.
A total of 19,00,312 investigations were done in India in the last 24 hours with which the total number of investigations so far is more than 37.81 crore (37,81,32,474).
While on one hand the testing of Kovid has increased across the country, on the other hand the weekly positivity rate is also decreasing continuously. The weekly positivity rate currently stands at 4.74 per cent while the daily positivity rate is 4.25 per cent today. It has remained less than 10 percent for 20 consecutive days.
Under the nationwide vaccination campaign, the total number of doses of Kovid-19 vaccine given in the country had exceeded 250 million. In the last 24 hours 34,84,239 doses of vaccine were given.
According to the provisional report, a total of 25,31,95,048 doses of Kovid-19 vaccine have been given in 35,05,535 sessions till 7 am today.