New Delhi: Daily new cases have come down to 19,000 after 6 months. During the last 24 hours, 18,732 new cases were reported across the country. The new cases were 18,653 as of July 1, 2020. India’s total active cases fell to 2.78 lakh (2,78,690) today. This is the lowest number after 170 days. The total active cases were 2,76,682 as on 10 July 2020. The country has seen a continuous decline in the number of active cases. India’s current active cases account for only 2.74 percent of the country’s total positive cases.
In the last 24 hours, 21,430 people became healthy and were discharged from hospitals. This led to a fall of 2,977 in total active cases.
Now the total number of healthy people is 97,61,538. The gap between healthy cases and active cases has been steadily increasing, reaching near 95 lakhs and currently at 94,82,848.
The recovery rate has improved to 95.82 percent today due to the difference in new recovery compared to new cases. This gap is steadily increasing with improvements in recovery compared to daily new cases.
72.37 percent of the newly recovered cases are now concentrated in 10 states/union territories.
Kerala has recorded the maximum number of recoveries in a day with 3,782 new recoveries a day. In West Bengal, 1,861 people were healthy while in Chhattisgarh the number stood at 1,764.
76.52 percent of the new cases are concentrated in 10 states / UTs.
Kerala registered the highest daily new cases with 3,527. Maharashtra came second with 2,854 new cases.
In the last 24 hours, 279 deaths have been recorded.
75.27 percent of the new deaths are from 10 states/union territories.
The highest number of deaths (60) occurred in Maharashtra. There were 33 daily deaths in West Bengal and 23 in Delhi.