Corona Update: India’s active cases reduced to 1.55 lakh

New Delhi: India has made a significant achievement in its fight against the global epidemic. In just 18 days, about 45 lakh (44,49,552) beneficiaries have been vaccinated by Covid-19. India has become the fastest country in the world to achieve 40 lakh Covid-19 vaccination levels in just 18 days.

Many other countries have started vaccination for about 65 days. India has started a nationwide Covid-19 vaccination campaign on 16 January 2021. The number of beneficiaries being vaccinated every day is steadily increasing.

54.87 percent of the beneficiaries receiving Covid-19 vaccine belong to 7 states.

Today the total number of active cases in India has come down to 1.55 lakh (1,55,025).

The current number of active cases in the country is only 1.44 percent of the total infected cases.

The number of active cases has been changing day by day for the past few weeks, indicating a steady decline in active cases.

Today, the country’s daily infection rate is 1.82 percent. India has maintained a daily infection rate of less than 2 percent during the last few weeks (19 days).

The number of corrected cases has gone up to 1,04,80,455. Today, the recovery rate has improved to 97.13 percent due to more recovery of new patients than new cases. The total number of cases cured is 67.6 times more than the active cases. 86.04 Corrected new cases are related to 6 States / UTs.

The maximum 7,030 new patients a day have been cured in Maharashtra. In Kerala and Tamil Nadu, 6,380 and 533 new patients have been cured during the last 24 hours respectively.

84.67 percent of the new patients are from 6 States / UTs. The number of daily new cases in Kerala is continuously increasing. There are 6,356 new cases reported in the state yesterday while 2,992 and 514 new cases have been detected in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu respectively.

6 States / UTs accounted for 71.03 percent of new deaths. Maharashtra recorded the highest death toll of 30 people yesterday, while in Kerala, 20 new cases of deaths have been reported during the last 24 hours. 7-7 new patients have died in West Bengal and Chhattisgarh.