The Delhi High Court said: “It appears that the trial was for publicity. Plaintiff Juhi Chawla has circulated the link of the hearing on social media causing disruption thrice.”
The Delhi High Court on June 4 dismissed a petition filed by actor-environmentalist Juhi Chawla against setting up a 5G wireless network in the country. The High Court found that the plaintiffs had abused the process of law and imposed a fine of Rs 20 lakh on them.
The Delhi HC said: “It appears that the trial was for publicity. Plaintiff Juhi Chawla thrice intercepted the link of the hearing on social media. Delhi Police will identify the persons and take action against those creating disturbances.” will take action.”
Juhi Chawla raised the environmental concerns associated with the installation of 5G wireless networks in India. The actor had moved a Delhi High Court court along with social activists Viresh Malik and Tina Vachani alleging that 5G technology can have severe radiation effects on humans and even damage the natural ecosystem. could reach. could.
His petition states that if the telecom industry’s plan for 5G succeeds, no person, no animal, no bird, no insect, and no plant will be on earth 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Stay away from exposure to RF radiation levels that are 10 to 100 times higher than today.
In an Instagram post titled ‘Hum, Tum, Aur 5G’ (You, Me and 5G), the Bollywood actress urged her fans to join her during the virtual hearing of the 5G case in the Delhi High Court. He also shared the link of virtual hearing with his followers. The post read: “If you feel this concerns you in any way, please feel free to attend our first virtual hearing to be held in Delhi High Court on June 2, 3:00 PM IST! Link in bio. “
During the hearing, the high court had asked actress-environmentalist Juhi Chawla why she filed a lawsuit directly against setting up 5G wireless networks in India, instead of approaching the government about her concerns over the technology.
Also, when the court proceedings were on, the virtual session was interrupted thrice after a man joined in and started singing songs from Juhi Chawla’s films. He was later removed. This unidentified person may have been able to disrupt the court proceedings by using the link of the virtual hearing shared by Juhi Chawla on her social media handle.