Farmers protest updates: Government need more time; next meet on Dec 9

Farmers protest updates: Government seeks more time for consultation on farmers’ demand; next meeting on December 9, Farmers’ unions opposed to the new agri laws have called for a Bharat bandh on December 8. They have also decided to continue with planned protests across the country on Saturday.

The fifth round of talks between the government and farmer leaders failed on Saturday with the latter resorting to a silent protest and seeking a reply in ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on their key demand of repealing the three new farm laws. As their meeting with three union ministers, including agriculture minister Narendra Singh Tomar, continued for nearly four hours, farmer leaders told the government to reply in “black and white” that whether it will repeal the laws or not.

The ministers has proposed to hold another meeting on December 9, seeking time from the unions to present a concrete proposal after further consultations within the government. Leaders of around 40 farmer unions said they do not want anything less than the complete repeal of the laws, which they fear are meant to end the mandi system and minimum support price mechanism.