The Lok Sabha on Wednesday witnessed a heated exchange between Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Congress MP Gaurav Gogoi after the former accused the government of tapping mobile phones using Israeli spyware Pegasus.
During the discussion on drug abuse, the MP from Assam said, “I want to ask the Home Minister how you have increased surveillance at airports and sea and land borders from where drugs enter the country. You have increased border security.” Talk about, we want.” To know how you have strengthened the Border Security Forces.”
“How are you using intelligence and surveillance? You spy on us, tap our phones with Pegasus. You spy on journalists with Pegasus. How many drug lords have you caught through Pegasus? ” Gogoi added.
To this remark, Shah retorted, “Gogoi has made some serious allegations that his phone was tapped through Pegasus. Give proof, you cannot say such things. Give proof to the House… journalists or of politicians.” This House is meant for serious discussion, not baseless politically motivated allegations.”
Shah replied, “You give the evidence. The Supreme Court has already decided.”
The Supreme Court had earlier said that a panel appointed by it to probe allegations of unauthorized use of Israeli NSO Group’s Pegasus software for surveillance did not find any conclusive evidence on the use of spyware in the phones it examined. The committee also said that the central government has “not cooperated” with its probe.
Gogoi also mentioned the crimes of China while speaking in the lower house. “Today, Rahul (Gandhi) ji is saying that strong action is needed against China, but the Center is hiding behind the army, when the matter should be raised in the House. All important matters concerning the nation should be discussed in the House. Wanted.” People elect the government, not the army, which is why governments are accountable.”
Opposition parties protested in Parliament on Wednesday, demanding Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement on the recent clash in Arunachal Pradesh’s Tawang sector and the border situation with China.