Varun Dhawan married his long time girlfriend Natasha Dalal at Alibaug’s Mansion House on Sunday evening and kept us waiting for long pictures. But he stepped in for a photo op session with his wife and fashion designer Natasha Dalal and did make up for it. After the ceremony, the newlyweds greeted Paparaji outside the Haveli House (wedding venue).
When Paparazzi asks Natasha Dalal to pose for him, Varun requests Shutterbugs to go easy on him. Varun Dhawan said, “From Anaram! I will be afraid,”. Natasha burst into laughter while reacting to what Varun said. The couple were a sight in a white ensemble.
The first and much awaited celebrity wedding of the year is about to begin. A quaint beach resort, The Mansion House will host limited guests for the upcoming big, fat wedding. Known for its tranquil location, the picturesque location with palm trees, the mansion, Sasavane is within walking distance to the beach. The much-awaited wedding of the two will take place in Alibaug, a seaside, about 100 km from Mumbai. The latest details of the Destination Wedding with photos have surfaced online and gone viral on social networking sites.
The soon-to-be groom’s family has already moved to a foreign location. The number of people has been limited keeping in view the restrictions due to the epidemic, but all ceremonies including mehndi and music will be conducted according to Punjabi customs. The grand mansion ensures a curved wedding experience with a fixed wedding feel and all the elements of the décor and interiors boast a luxurious Bollywood wedding party.
Three sections of the space – The Palm Court, The Cove Room and The Sky Deck Room – are exclusively booked for Varun and Natasha’s guests and their families. Outsiders enjoy a luxurious mode with juicy coconut greens, featuring a stunning swimming pool, floor-to-ceiling glass doors and windows, and an all-white facade.
The interiors of the property are pleasing which makes it ideal for a short guest list. The 25-room mansion has a minimalist aesthetic with wooden accents. The resort venue is a 20-minute speedboat ride from Mumbai.