New Delhi: Minor changes have been made in the first two Vande Bharat trains, which are currently operating from Delhi to Varanasi and Katra. While the faded seats have been replaced with brighter seats, security guards have been installed to prevent damage to the equipment under the trains.
Sources said modifications have been made to keep the trains in good condition.
To reduce the noise inside the driver’s cabin, the horn has been shifted to the ceiling location and facilitates the display of useful and informative messages regarding helpline contacts, bio-toilets, customer complaints through an LCD screen located inside A software modification has been made for Sitting compartment area.
Shrouds have been provided under the coaches to protect the panels from damage caused by ballast and thus to ensure hassle-free operation on the line, officials said.
“A protective sheath has been provided to cover the IV coupler and protect it from ballast damage,” an official said. This will prevent damage to equipment in cases of cattle overflow.
Apart from this, theme-based paintings have been installed on the inner walls of the executive class coaches, officials said.