How to protect Tulsi plant in winter season

Tulsi has a special place in Hinduism. Tulsi is worshiped in most Hindu families. It is seen as happiness and well-being, but apart from mythological importance, Tulsi is also a well-known medicine, which is used in many diseases. It is also an effective medicine in many major and severe diseases ranging from cold and cough.

Tulsi is a summer plant and it likes summer. You can plant them in a sunny area. Therefore in winter this plant needs care. Tulsi kumbhal begins in winter and its leaves dry up. Drying of basil at home is considered inauspicious. Let us know what to do so that the basil kept at home does not dry.

Irrigation with normal water

Cold water should be avoided in basil. If possible, add lukewarm water to it, or instead of it, pour milk in water and water the basil. This keeps the moisture in the basil and the plant will always remain green.

Remove dried leaves and seedlings from the tree

In winter, basil leaves start drying up and manjari (seeds) start coming on it. To save the basil tree, the plant starts to grow again by removing the manjari and dried leaves. Worms are also applied to the dried leaves of basil.

Do hoeing once a week

At least once a week with a knife, make a slight incision around the root of the basil plant. By doing this the basil plant will get the nutrition it needs to grow and it will remain green for a long time.

Save from cold weather

To protect the basil from the cold, do not keep it open and keep it in the shade somewhere at home. Burn a lamp under basil daily. This will keep the basil plant warm and it will not dry.

Toss basil on the cloth

To protect the basil plant from the cold wave, from the day of Ekadashi of Kartik month, add basil to a slightly heavier chuni. By doing this, the Tulsi plant will not be Kumbhula and will remain green for a long time.

How Tulsi is useful

All varieties of Tulsi are an aromatic herb and they belong to the same family Lamiaceae as mint. Tulsi, also known as Holy Tulsi or Indian Tulsi. Tulsi is considered a herb thousands of years old. It is an Ayurvedic herb and has medicinal value. For thousands of years it has been used to cure many diseases in India. Indian basil has small leaves and is pungent in taste.

Also read in Hindi: र्दियों में तुलसी को सूखने से बचाना है, तो अपनाएं ये उपाय