New Delhi: India has achieved another historic feat in the fight against Corona and today the national recovery rate of patients recovering from Corona has risen to 90 percent. In the last 24 hours 62,077 patients have been cured and have been discharged from hospital and the number of new confirmed cases is 50,129. 90 percent of the total cases have been cured.
This achievement has been achieved due to continuous decrease in active cases of corona and for the last three days it is below 7 lakh only. Currently, the total number of positive cases in the country is 6,68,154 and active cases constitute 8.5 percent.
The number of patients recovering from corona is steadily increasing and so far 70,78,123 patients have been cured. Due to the recovery of more people, this gap is continuously increasing and the difference between active cases of corona and patients recovering has been more than 64 lakhs (64,09,969).
For the past one week, fewer than 1000 deaths have been reported and since October 2, the number of deaths is below 1100.
75% of the new patients who have been cured of Corona so far are from 10 states / union territories: Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.
Maharashtra tops the category with over 10,000 patients recovering in a single day.
In the last 24 hours, 50,129 new confirmed cases have been reported. 79 per cent of the total new cases are from 10 states / union territories and Kerala is the state where more than 8000 new cases are being filed, followed by Maharashtra where more than 6000 new cases are being seen.
There have been 578 deaths in the last 24 hours and 80 percent of these deaths have been reported in 10 states / union territories. Maharashtra has the highest number of deaths at 137.
Another feat has been achieved in the network of corona testing laboratories in India today and now the number of such laboratories in the country has exceeded 2000. Initially there was only one laboratory in Pune but now it is 2003 in number which includes 1126 government laboratories and 877 private sector laboratories.
Also read in Hindi: भारत ने नया मील का पत्थर हासिल किया, कोरोना रिकवरी दर 90 प्रतिशत हुई