Veteran actor Anupam Shyam, who is known for his role in multiple television shows and films, passed away late on Sunday night. He was 63. The actor, who was more recently known for his role of Thakur Sajjan Singh in the show “Mann Ki Pratigya 2” died due to multiple organ failure.
The actor wasn’t keeping well from last few years and was also on dialysis. Confirming the news, actor Manoj Joshi, tweeted: “Saddened by the demise of my friend and very talented actor Anupam Shyam ji. We have lost a great man. My deepest condolences to his family and friends.”
RIP Anupam Shyam. He died today at Life Line Hospital, due to multiple organ failure. May his soul rest in peace. 🙏
— Sonali Naik (@oneanonlysonali) August 8, 2021
Other members of the entertainment industry also took to social media to express their condolences. In 2020, the actor was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit and had started his dialysis. Cine And TV Artists Association (CINTAA) had appealed on behalf of the actor to provide financial help. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had announced Rs 20 lakh assistance for the treatment of the actor. Bollywood actor Sonu Sood had also come forward for help.