New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the country for the first time through ‘Mann ki Baat’ in 2021. In the ‘Mann Ki Baat’ program, PM Modi mentioned the violence done by the farmers on the occasion of Republic Day and said that the nation is saddened by the insult of the national flag in Delhi on 26 January.
This is the 73rd edition of his monthly radio program that aired just a day before the presentation of the Union Budget 2021-22 by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.
PM Narendra Modi said, when I do ‘Mann Ki Baat’ it seems as if I am present among you as a member of your family. Our small things, which teach each other, something, the sweet and sweet experiences of life, which become the inspiration to live a lot – that is just ‘Mann Ki Baat’.
The Prime Minister said, the nation honored people doing extraordinary work for their achievements and their contribution towards humanity. This year too, the awardees include those who have done excellent work in different fields. He further said, in the midst of all this, in Delhi, seeing the insult of the Tricolor on 26 January, the country was very sad. We have to fill the future with new hope and newness. We showed exceptional restraint and courage last year. This year too, we have to prove our resolve by working hard. To take our country forward, and at a faster pace.
On this occasion, PM Modi said, during the farmers’ tractor parade on the occasion of 72nd Republic Day, chaotic scenes were seen in many parts of the national capital, as a section of farmers entered the city before the scheduled time in protest against the agricultural laws. And created a ruckus. Security personnel used lathi-charge and tear gas shells to stop them. But his attempt failed.
Highlights of PM’s speech
The country suffered greatly on 26 January, seeing the tricolor humiliated
We are not only running the world’s largest vaccination campaign, but we are also vaccinating our citizens at the fastest pace in the world. India has vaccinated 3 million corona warriors in 15 days
While an advanced country like America took 18 days to do this and Britain took 36 days.
You must have seen about the vaccination program that India is capable of helping others because India today is self-sufficient in the field of medicines and vaccines.
The Made in India vaccine is, of course, a symbol of India’s self-reliance, it is also a symbol of the country’s self-pride.
The Padma Awards continue the recent tradition of honoring unheard heroes.
The government is committed to modernizing agriculture and is also taking many steps. The efforts of the government will continue.
There was also a lot of good news from the cricket pitch. Our cricket team made a resounding comeback after their initial woes and won the series in Australia. The hard work and teamwork of our players is motivating.