New Delhi: The global pandemic in India has crossed another milestone in the war against Covid-19. In line with its commitment to conduct more than 1 million tests per day, 10,66,022 samples were screened in the last 24 hours, thus increasing the overall number of cases in India to 13,06,57,808. The last one crore cases were investigated in just 10 days.
Examination of more than 10 lakh samples on an average per day has ensured the overall positive cases rate is maintained at a low level and thus it is currently showing a declining trend. The national overall rate of positive cases today is 6.93 percent, which is less than the seven percent level. Yesterday, the rate of positive cases per day was only 4.34 percent. The rate of positive cases has declined due to the large number of tests conducted.
During the last 24 hours, 46,232 people were found infected with Covid. The rate of positive cases per day at 4.34 percent indicates that a large number of samples have been screened among the total population. With the steady increase in positive cases in countries of America and Europe, India is consciously taking all possible steps to control the spread of the epidemic. In view of the increase in Covid cases in some states of North India, the Center has advised all States and Union Territories to increase the number of tests. Compared to the whole of India, more tests were conducted in 24 states / union territories for every 10 lakh population.
12 states / UTs where fewer tests have been conducted per 10 lakh population than the national average and were advised to raise the level of the test substantially.
There are currently 4,39,747 active cases in India, which is 4.86 percent of the total positive cases in India and which is less than the level of five percent.
During the last 24 hours in India, 49,715 new patients have recovered and returned home and the total number of such patients has gone up to 84,78,124. The recovery rate of patients has come down to 93.67 today. The gap between active cases and cured cases is increasing gradually and has come down to 80,38,377.
78.19 percent cases of cured patients are from 10 states / union territories.
8,775 people in Delhi have recovered after Covid. 6,945 new patients have been cured in Maharashtra and 6,398 in Kerala.
10 States / UTs contributed 77.69 percent in the case of new cases. During the last 24 hours, Delhi has recorded 6,608 cases. 6,028 new cases have been registered in Kerala. While 5,640 new cases were registered in Maharashtra yesterday.
Out of 564 deaths due to this disease during the last 24 hours, 82.62 percent of the cases are from 10 states / union territories.
Of the new death cases, 27.48 per cent are from Maharashtra which has recorded 155 deaths. Delhi has also recorded 118 deaths, which is 20.92 percent of the total cases.
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