Manohar Lal Khattar has resigned from the post of Chief Minister of Haryana after BJP’s alliance with Dushyant Chautala’s Jannayak Janata Party (JJP) broke over Lok Sabha seats. JJP, which formed an alliance with BJP in 2019 after the assembly elections, was insisting on two Lok Sabha seats, but BJP wanted to contest all 10 parliamentary seats. JJP wanted to contest from Hisar and Bhiwani in the Lok Sabha elections.
In the 90-member House, BJP has 41 MLAs, Congress 30 and JJP 10. There are seven independents, while the Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) and Haryana Lokhit Party (HLP) have one MLA each. Six independents have supported BJP. Sources told India Today that 4-5 JJP MLAs are also in touch with BJP.
With these MLAs coming to its side, BJP will easily cross the majority mark of 46 to form the new government. Sources told India Today that the BJP is likely to form the new government with six independent MLAs and one Haryana Lokhit Party (HLP) MLA.
BJP has sent Union Minister Arjun Munda and party leader Tarun Chugh to Haryana as observers.
Independent MLA Nayan Pal Rawat said that he feels that the process of breaking the alliance with JJP has started. “I met the Chief Minister yesterday. We have already extended our support to the Manohar Lal Khattar-led government. We also discussed the strategy for the Lok Sabha elections. I felt that the process of breaking the alliance with JJP has already started. It’s up.” ,” he was quoted as saying by the news agency.