Mumbai: Auto driver sold his house to educate grand daughter, 24 lakh received donation

Mumbai: An auto driver Desraj sold his house in Mumbai to educate his grand daughter. His story was viral on social media this month. He has received Rs 24 lakh in donation till now. After Desraj’s son’s death, the responsibility of his daughter-in-law and his four children was on him.

Desraj said, “After the death of his son, his grand daughter, who was studying in class 9 continue studied as Desraj wished her to do so, though he was not having enough money to pay tuition fees. He started working long hours to raise his income. Most of his earnings he paid school fees and his grandson’s stationery. All his efforts were successful when her granddaughter scored 80 percent in the Class 12 examination.

When she shared her dream of studying for B.Ed from Delhi, Desraj knew that “educating her in another city is beyond my capacity, but He want to fulfill her dreams, at any cost.”

Desraj sold his house for his further education and sent his wife, daughter-in-law and other grandchildren to his relative’s house in his village. However, he continued to live in Mumbai without a roof over his head. He has made Auto his home, he sleeps in his auto.

Facebook user Gunjan Ratti started a fundraiser to support the auto driver. The fundraiser exceeded its target of Rs 20 lakh. Humanity of Bombay posted a video in which Desraj received a check of Rs 24 lakh.

In the video where ‘Pavari’ is being twisted, Desraj is shown saying, “This is me, Desraj, this is my auto and our power is Hori.”