New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today inaugurated the operation of the first non-driverless Metro Rail, inaugurating the National Common Mobility Card in the Airport Express Line of the Delhi Metro. The card was launched in Ahmedabad last year. On this occasion, the Prime Minister also focused on the consolidation of systems and processes to strengthen the vision of ‘Ek Bharat, Shrestha Bharat’, an important aspect of his ‘Minimum Government Maximum Governance’ mantra.
The Prime Minister said that it is very important to provide uniform standards and facilities for modernization. The Common Mobility Card at the national level is a major step in this direction. The card will provide integrated access to passengers wherever they travel, using public transport.
Citing the example of the Common Mobility Card, the Prime Minister focused on the process of integrating all systems and processes to improve life. He said that with the consolidation of such systems, the power of the country is being used in a more coordinated and efficient manner. He said that “Like One Nation, One Mobility Card, our government has done many things in the last years towards integrating the country’s systems.
One Nation, One Fastag has made travel on highways across the country comfortable. This has brought relief to the passengers from jams and delays. One Nation, One Tax ie GST has brought uniformity in the indirect tax system by eliminating the complexities of the tax system. One Nation, One Power Grid is ensuring adequate and continuous power availability in every part of the country. There has also been a decrease in electrical losses.
One nation, one gas grid, seamless gas connectivity is ensuring the availability of gas in the parts of the country where gas-based life and economy used to be a dream. People are availing of this scheme anywhere in the country through One Nation, One Health Insurance Scheme i.e. Ayushman Bharat. Citizens moving from one place to another with One Nation, One Ration Card has been relieved from the hassle of creating a new ration card. Similarly, the country is moving in the direction of forest nation, forest-agriculture market due to new agricultural reforms and e-name systems.