Gujarat Deputy CM Nitin Patel, who was the frontrunner for the chief minister’s post but still missed the opportunity, on Monday brought tears to his eyes and said that the party has done a lot for him and he is not bothered.
Nitin Patel after Bhupendra Patel met him on Monday morning before the swearing-in ceremony said, “Bhupendra Patel is an old family friend. I congratulated him. We would be happy to see him take oath as CM. Asked for my guidance when needed.”
Nitin Patel said, “I am not worried. I have been working in BJP since the age of 18 and will continue to work. Whether I get any post in the party or not, I will keep working in the party.”
Nitin Patel had tears in his eyes after meeting Bhupendra Patel. He said that in his 30 years of association, the party has given him a lot and there is no problem in it.
Veteran Gujarat BJP leader Nitin Patel was one of the contenders for the chief minister’s post, but was surprised by the announcement of Bhupendra Patel, who became an MLA for the first time.
Hours after the announcement, Nitin Patel had said that he has seen many ups and downs and also said that no one can “get him out” as he lives in people’s hearts.
Addressing people during a function in Mehsana city on Sunday evening, Nitin Patel also said in a light-hearted manner that he was not the only one who got off the bus as there were “many others” like him.
There was speculation that he was unhappy after Bhupendra Patel was elected as the next chief minister at a meeting of BJP legislators at the party headquarters ‘Kamalam’ in Gandhinagar on Sunday, a day after Vijay Rupani resigned from the top post.
However, Nitin Patel said that such claims have no merit. He said that on Sunday he had left the BJP office only after taking permission from BJP’s Gujarat in-charge Bhupendra Yadav.
Nitin Patel was not there when outgoing CM Vijay Rupani was with Bhupendra Patel when the latter went to meet Governor Acharya Devvrat to stake claim to form the government.