New Delhi: Bollywood actress Nushrat Bharucha, who was reportedly stranded in Israel and lost contact with her team amid the ongoing war between Israel and Palestinian terrorist groups, has finally reached Mumbai. The actress has now released a statement explaining her experience and it is heart-melting.
She said, “The last week will always be etched in my memory… a roller coaster ride of emotions, the last 36 hours of which will be the most unforgettable and challenging of my life… My producer, stylist and I were our most recent film I flew to Haifa, Israel, on October 3, along with my Israeli co-actors, Tsahi Halevi and Amir Boutros, to attend the prestigious Haifa International Film Festival for the screening of Alone. Two days of touring throughout Israel. After the historic sites, Jerusalem, Jaffa, the Baha’is, the Dead Sea, we almost ended our trip with a celebratory dinner for the cast of the film on Friday night, October 6.”
Further, she added, “That evening, Tsahi, Amir and I celebrated the selection of our film at the Haifa Film Fest, promising to meet each other again, and possibly work together again. We said goodbye and were ready to fly back the next day.”
“But Saturday morning was nothing like the celebrations of the previous evening. We were woken up by the deafening sounds of bombs exploding, sirens wailing and complete panic as we all went into a ‘shelter’ in the basement of our house. Hotel “When we left the place after waiting endlessly, we learned that Israel was under attack. No one could have prepared us for this news.”
“In a state of complete panic, our first impulse was to somehow reach the Indian Embassy, located barely 2 km from our hotel, but this distance seemed impossible to cover without any means of transport and only There were terrible sounds of explosions. Close range. We were then informed that Hamas terrorists had infiltrated several cities in Israel and were now also on the streets, driving civilians out of their homes and killing people randomly. They were firing indiscriminately. Moreover, there was open firing on the roads and vehicles. The situation on the roads was ‘extremely dangerous’. Just then, we heard the second siren and we were taken back to the basement shelter,” she added. Said.
Furthermore, she said, “it soon came to the realization that we would actually not be able to make our scheduled flight back to India that night, and would likely be stuck in a country that was now openly at war. It’s time we started making desperate calls to everyone for help to get out of this unprecedented situation. When we connected with Tsahi, who had also traditionally served in the Israeli army, it became clear that Israel was in a de facto state of emergency and fully engaged. -War broke out. We monitored official advisories issued by the Government of India and remained connected to the Indian and Israeli embassies for information about the evolving situation outside, Who were very helpful in guiding us.
“As someone who barely escaped a war zone, I couldn’t be more grateful today… I’m back home and safe with my family and my loved ones. But with an experience like Which has made me extremely grateful for the safety and security that we almost take for granted. I am extremely grateful to the Government of India, the Indian Embassy and the Israeli Embassy for their help and guidance in bringing my team and me back safely. I thank each I would like to thank my well-wishers wholeheartedly for their good wishes and prayers for my safety,” she concluded.
A full-scale war broke out between militant group Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, killing at least 200 people. Apart from this, more than 1000 people were injured. According to the Israeli army, Hamas terrorists fired more than 5,000 rockets from the Gaza Strip and also captured many Israeli soldiers near the border.