New Delhi: Prashant Bhushan was to be sentenced in contempt of the Supreme Court. But as soon as the Supreme Court in the punishment said a fine of 1 rupee, people were shocked. As soon as the sentence was announced, lawyer Rajiv Dhawan gave his client Prashant Bhushan 1 rupee. The picture of Dhawan holding a 1 rupee coin in Bhushan’s hand went viral on social media. Prashant Bhushan himself also shared two pictures on Twitter.
However, what is the motive of the Supreme Court behind Rs. 1 in punishment, it is difficult to understand right now. But will Prashant Bhushan appeal this sentence or will accept the punishment and pay the fine. Well this will also be known soon.
By the way, the answer to this question can be extracted from Bhushan’s statement recorded in the tweet with some photographs. He wrote, “My lawyer and senior partner Rajiv Dhawan today gave me a rupee as soon as the judgment on the contempt case was accepted with gratitude.” Now what is the meaning of mixing this statement with both pictures? Leaves? Has Prashant Bhushan and his lawyers in the contempt of court made up his mind to pay the prescribed fine by the country’s highest court or will he appeal further.
It is too early to say anything about this, but when we consider the statement, there is a hint of giving coin to Prashant Bhushan on behalf of lawyer Rajeev Dhawan in the case that Dhawan may have accepted the penalty. So he gave a coin of one rupee to Prashant Bhushan. So, did Prashant Bhushan also accept the advice of his lawyer, who did not accept the mistake despite repeated opportunities from the Supreme Court? Prashant Bhushan wrote on Twitter that he too generously accepted the contribution of his lawyer and senior partner. This means that Bhushan is respecting his lawyer’s motives.