Sawan Putrada Ekadashi Katha: Ekadashi fasting of Sawan, Worshiping Lord Vishnu

Sawan Putrada Ekadashi Katha: This katha will be read on the day of Ekadashi fasting of Sawan, troubles will be removed and sins will be destroyed

This time the fast of Shravan Putrada Ekadashi (Sawan Putrada Ekadashi 2022) will be kept on 8th August. On this day, keeping a fast and worshiping Lord Vishnu leads to the birth of a son. Those who have problems related to any kind of child must keep this fast.

On this day, keeping a fast and worshiping Lord Vishnu leads to the birth of a son. Those who have problems related to any kind of child must keep this fast. This fast is very auspicious for those people who do not have children. By the grace of Lord Vishnu, they get child happiness. Even if the child has any kind of trouble, then by observing this fast all the troubles are removed.

Those who read or listen to the importance and story of Putrada Ekadashi Vrat (putrada ekadashi 2022 sawan) with full devotion. He gets the result equal to the donation of many cows. All sins are destroyed. Those who keep this fast. They should listen or read the story of Shravan Putrada Ekadashi Vrat (putrada ekadashi 2022 vrat niyam) at the time of worship of Lord Vishnu. The fast is considered complete only after listening to the story. So, let us know about Shravan Putrada Ekadashi fasting story.

Sawan Putrada Ekadashi 2022 fasting (VRAT) KATHA

Once Dharmaraj Yudhishthira requested Lord Krishna to tell about the importance of Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Shravan month and its story. Then Lord Krishna said that the Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Sawan is famous as Shravan Putrada Ekadashi. So let’s know about the story of Shravan Putrada Ekadashi Vrat (putrada ekadashi 2022 vrat).

Mahishmati was a city in the Dwapar era. Whose king was Mahijit. He was very sad for not having a son. He also did not like the kingdom. He believed that one who does not have a son, he has no happiness in the world and the hereafter. He took many measures, but he could not get a son. When that king became old, one day he called a meeting and also included the subjects (putrada ekadashi 2022 vrat katha) in it. She said that she was sad for not having a son.

He never hurt others. Followed the subjects like their own sons. Even after this, she did not get a son. Why is this? To find a solution to the king’s question, the minister and his well-wishers went to the sages in the forest. At one place he met Lomash Muni. When all of them bowed down to Lomash Muni, they asked him the reason for coming. Then all of them told the reason for the king’s suffering. He said that his king Mahijit is sad because he is sonless, while he takes care of the subjects like a son.

Then Lomash Rishi came to know about the previous birth of King Mahijit from his Tapobal. He told that this king was a poor Vaishya in his previous birth. He did many bad deeds for money. Once this Jyeshtha went to drink water on a reservoir on Shukla Dwadashi. Was hungry for two days. There a cow was also drinking water. Then this king made that cow run away and started drinking water himself. Because of this the king has to bear the pain of being sonless in this birth. All of them asked the sage Lomash to get rid of this sin. Then he told that fast on Shravan Shukla Ekadashi. By this, sins will surely be erased and a son will be obtained.

All the ministers and well wishers came back and on the day of Shravan Shukla Ekadashi, all the subjects kept fast and worshiped as well as did night awakening. After this (putrada ekadashi 2022 katha) everyone gave the virtuous fruit of Shravan Shukla Ekadashi fast to the king. Due to the virtuous effect of this fast, the queen gave birth to a beautiful child. This made the king happy and a festival was celebrated in the state. The son was born on the day of Shravan Shukla Ekadashi, hence it is called Putrada Ekadashi.