New Delhi: The Indian stock market started on Tuesday with a lead. In early trade, the Sensex was trading at over 39,300 points with a gain of over 300 points, while the Nifty also gained 85 points. The Nifty moved closer to the 11,600 mark. Shares of the IT sector appeared to be trading in the early trade. While Infosys was down by 2 per cent, TCS shares also fell more than one per cent.
Let us know that on the last trading day i.e. Monday, TCS shares had registered a gain of 7%. In fact, the company has said that it will consider a proposal to repurchase the shares this week, after which its shares gained momentum. With this, the company became the second Indian company after Reliance Industries to achieve a market capitalization of Rs 10 lakh crore.
There have been many reasons for the stock market boom. In recent days, the market has been optimistic about the improvement in Trump’s health, the discussion of relief packages in the US and India, the results of the second quarter of the current financial year in India and the Supreme Court verdict on the postponement of the loan installment. This is the reason why Bharti stock market is showing an edge. Let us know that due to the rise in IT and banking shares, the stock markets saw an increase for the third consecutive trading day on Monday.
Also read in Hindi: Share Market: सेंसेक्स 39 हजार अंक के पार, आईटी शेयरों में बड़ी गिरावट