This app is a boon for land buyers! Will tell the owner’s name in a minute

App to buy land: When you buy land, you see that land only through a broker or you are shown that land through an acquaintance. Sometimes the brokers do not give you the correct information about the land in order to earn more greed, like many times the brokers give you wrong information about the size of the land.

Not only this, the information in whose name the land is registered has also been wrongly given many times. In such a situation, the customers have to repent later because in today’s time, buying land is a task of lakhs. You are buying a new land and you are also facing such a problem in which you are not getting the correct information about the land, then now you do not have to worry because there is an app that will tell you the ground reality.

Whichever state you are in, you have to go to Google Search and first type the name of that state and then search by typing igr. Like if you live in Uttar Pradesh, then you have to search in Google by writing Uttar Pradesh igr. After this, the government website will open in front of you, from where you will be able to get the information related to the land easily.

Now you have to go to document search in this website, after that you have to enter your registration number here. After this, you have to click on the submit option and as soon as you do this, all the details of that land will open in front of you.

The points covered in this information include- who owns the property, when the property was purchased, what is the area of the property etc. So in this way you can get the information related to the land.