Delhi Police has opposed the bail plea of former Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) student and activist Umar Khalid in the February 2020 communal violence case in Delhi, saying they have roped in actors and politicians to amplify his narrative as part of a larger conspiracy. Gave a message for.
Delhi Police’s counsel, Special Public Prosecutor Amit Prasad, told a court on Tuesday that Khalid sent messages to several actors including Pooja Bhatt, Sushant Singh, Swara Bhaskar, Mohammed Zeeshan Ayub; Politician and social activist Yogendra Yadav; Congress leader Jignesh Mevani; And news outlets The Wire and Alt-News publicized his story.
At that time, his lawyer said that this was being done to seek bail afresh before the trial court.
The lawyer had earlier told the court that other accused in the case were already out on bail, including some against whom the charges were more serious.
There were no witnesses present in many of the cases cited by the prosecution to claim Khalid’s involvement.
However, the prosecution refuted these arguments, saying that all the instances of alleged conspiracy should not be read separately and should be read together.
He also said that Khalid cannot rely on other accused being granted bail and cannot claim equality.
Umar Khalid is in jail as an undertrial prisoner since his arrest by Delhi Police on September 14, 2020 in a UAPA case over the alleged larger conspiracy behind the February 2020 Delhi riots.