‘United States of Kailasa’ reaches UN, blames India for ‘persecution’ of Nithyananda

A representative of a fictitious ‘country’ known as the ‘United States of Kailas’ founded by fugitive rape accused self-proclaimed Bhagwan Nithyananda sought protection for the ‘Supreme Patriarch of Hinduism (SPH)’ at the United Nations in Geneva , claimed he was being “persecuted”.

The 19th United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESR) meeting was represented by Vijayapriya Nityananda, who claims to be the “Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations from the United States of Kailas”, on 22 February.

“Kailaasa is the first sovereign state for Hindus, established by the Supreme Priest of Hinduism, Nityananda Paramasivam, enlightened Hindu civilization and reviving 10,000 indigenous traditions of Hinduism, including Adi Shaiva indigenous agricultural tribes , for which the highest priest of Hinduism is also the leader,” said Vijayapriya, a video of which has been posted on the UN website.

“The Supreme Priest of Hinduism and Kailash have gone through intense persecution and human rights violations to revive the indigenous traditions and lifestyle of Hinduism. He was even banned from preaching and exiled from the country of his birth. He further asked the United Nations and international diplomats to take measures “at the national and international level to stop the persecution of Nithyananda and the two million Hindu migrant population at Kailasa”.

Nithyananda, who is facing rape and kidnapping charges, fled India in 2019. The rape case against him was registered in 2010 on the basis of a complaint by his former driver Lenin. The self-styled godman was arrested and later released on bail.

A year after he fled, he reportedly established his own ‘Hindu sovereign nation’ called ‘Kailaasa’, and also issued visas for tourists, and invited people for a three-day tour of ‘Kailaasa’ . Its website describes Kailash as “the greatest Hindu nation on earth”, and it has its own flag and emblem.

Nithyananda also later unveiled a new central bank and freshly minted currency of Kailash called the ‘Kailasian Dollar’, as well as claiming that the country of ‘Kailaasa’ had entered into an agreement with another country to host its bank. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed.