Vaccination Drive: Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign Begins at ECI Headquarter

New Delhi: The Election Commission of India has started the Covid-19 vaccination campaign from today for its officers and employees working at the Election House, Delhi.

The vaccination campaign began with Former Chief Election Commissioner Mr. Gill getting vaccinated. Chief Election Commissioner of India Sunil Arora and Election Commissioners Shri Sushil Chandra and Rajiv Kumar will get the vaccine after all the officers and employees of the Election Commission have availed the vaccination program.

Chief Election Commissioner Sushil Kumar Arora recently announced that all the employees engaged in electoral duty in the upcoming assembly elections have been declared as ‘frontline workers’ and hence they will be vaccinated before the commencement of their election duty. He said that vaccination would encourage officers engaged in election duty to do their duty without fear of Covid-19. Mr. Arora said that the situation has become more favorable for organized elections with the nationwide vaccination campaign. Special camps have also been set up at ECI with the provision of doctors, ambulances etc.

Under the special vaccination campaign, lakhs of election officials from five states and union territories will be given the first dose of vaccination before going into election duty for the upcoming assembly elections.