Following the tragic death of UPSC aspirants in Old Rajendra Nagar, Delhi, coaching institute Drishti IAS has announced financial aid of Rs 10 lakh each to the bereaved families. Drishti IAS founder Dr. Vikas Divyakirti expressed deep condolences and solidarity with the bereaved families, pledging Rs 10 lakh to each bereaved family.
“We know that no amount of money can erase the pain of losing children,” said Dr. Divyakirti.
“Nevertheless, as a humble effort to express our solidarity in this hour of grief, Drishti IAS has decided to provide financial aid of Rs 10 lakh (each) to the four bereaved families.”
In addition, we will also remain committed to helping all the current IAS students of Rau, added Dr. Divyakirti.
“We will provide them free academic support and classes for preparation of general studies, test series and optional subjects. Students who wish to avail this facility can contact the help desk present at our Karol Bagh office from Monday, August 5, 2024,” Divyakirti said.
In a series of tragic incidents in the last few days, Old Rajendra Nagar mourned the death of four bright students. A hardworking student, Nilesh Rai, died after being struck by lightning on a flooded road. In another devastating incident, three UPSC aspirants – Shreya Yadav of Uttar Pradesh, Tanya Soni of Telangana and Nivin Dalvin of Kerala – lost their lives in flash floods at the IAS campus in Rau on July 27.
Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi has directed the setting up of four public libraries in memory of the deceased students. Mayor Oberoi announced that the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) plans to build these libraries in Rajendra Nagar, Mukherjee Nagar, Patel Nagar and Ber Sarai.
“I would like to propose that at least four public libraries be set up by the MCD in Rajendra Nagar, Mukherjee Nagar, Patel Nagar and Ber Sarai in the name of deceased students,” she said in a post on Instagram.