New Delhi: The Delhi government has announced a weekend curfew to contain the spread of the COVID-19 infection, which is increasing due to the spread of the Omicron variant. The decision was taken after a meeting of the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), which reviewed the situation in the national capital in the wake of the spread of Omicron. Apart from the night curfew, other measures like limiting office staff and restricting the gathering of people are already in place.
Here is a list of who will be exempted during the weekend curfew imposed in Delhi from 10 pm on Friday to 5 am on Monday.
- a) Officers and officers involved in essential and emergency services shall be permitted to present valid identity cards during night and weekend curfews.
- b) Officers and officers of the Government of India, its autonomous or subordinate offices and public undertakings, on production of valid identity cards and in accordance with the restrictions imposed by the Central Government.
- c) Judges and all Judicial Officers, staff members of all courts of Delhi as well as lawyers, legal advisers, connected with the hearing of the case on production of valid Identity Card, Service ID Card, Photo Entry Pass and permission letter issued by the Court Huh. Administration.
- d) Officers and officials in the offices of diplomats of different countries as well as persons holding any constitutional post on production of valid identity cards.
- e) All private medical personnel such as doctors, nursing staff, paramedics and other hospital services such as hospitals, diagnostic centres, testing laboratories, clinics, pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies, medical oxygen suppliers and other medical and health services on production of valid ID cards.
- e) To obtain medical and health services to pregnant women and patients with an attendant on production of valid identity card and prescription
- f) Persons who are going for COVID-19 test or vaccination on production of valid identity card.
- g) Persons arriving or departing from airports, railway stations, inter-state bus terminus are permitted to travel on production of valid tickets.
- h) Electronic and print media on production of a valid identity card.
- I) Individuals or students will be allowed to appear in the examination on production of a valid admit card. The examination staff deployed for examination duties will be allowed to travel on production of a valid identity card or examination fee order.
- j) Movement of persons for matrimonial-gathering up to 20 persons on production of soft or hard copy of marriage card.