26 years old minimum temp record broken in Delhi

New Delhi: Winter has knocked in North India including Delhi. The capital city of Delhi recorded a minimum temperature of 12.5 degrees Celsius on Thursday, the lowest in October in the last 26 years. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMO) gave this information. This was observed due to the light layer of clouds and slow air. According to IMD, the normal minimum temperature at this time of the year is 15–16 ° C.

According to meteorological data, the last low temperature in Delhi was recorded in October in 1994. On October 31, 1994, the city’s minimum temperature was recorded at 12.3 degrees Celsius. On October 31, 1937, the city recorded the lowest temperature of the month – 9.4 degrees Celsius.

According to the Meteorological Department, the normal minimum temperature at this time of the year is 15 to 16 degrees Celsius. Kuldeep Srivastava, head of the department’s regional forecasting center, said that earlier in 1994, Delhi had recorded such a low temperature.

The senior scientist of the meteorological department said that this time the cloudy sky is not covered due to such a low minimum temperature. Due to cloudy sky, some rays in the infrared rays reflected from the earth are returned due to clouds and this makes the earth warm.

According to the Meteorological Department, another reason is the cool winds, causing mist and fog umbrella. The Meteorological Department said that the minimum temperature is expected to fall to 11 degree Celsius by November 1.

Also read in Hindi: दिल्ली में ठंड ने न्यूनतम तापमान का रिकॉर्ड तोड़ा, 26 साल बाद ऐसी सर्दी