New Delhi: The BJP is gearing up for the assembly elections to be held in West Bengal early next year. Union Home Minister Amit Shah is on a two-day visit to Bengal. He said in a meeting of local leaders in Bankura on Thursday that the Bharatiya Janata Party should win more than 200 of the 294 seats in the West Bengal assembly elections early next year. He told in gestures that this time Bengal is going to change. Now the question is whether the BJP will find a strong fortress of Mamta or not.
Addressing media persons after the meeting, the Union Minister targeted Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for ‘neglecting the poor, farmers and backward classes’ in the state. Shah said, “The Mamata Banerjee government has neglected the poor, farmers, backward classes and tribal people and has persecuted BJP workers.” I am confident that the BJP will come to power with a two-thirds majority.
He also urged the people to oust the state government led by Mamta Banerjee. Shah said, “I appeal to the people to overthrow this government and give the BJP a chance to make Sonar Bangla (a golden Bengal).”
Amit Shah said, “People used to laugh when I said that the BJP will win 20-22 seats in Bengal in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections and we almost came around to that goal.” Even today I go to Bankura saying that now BJP is going to form government by winning more than 200 seats in Bengal. The one who has to laugh, we have to laugh, we have to work with integrity. “
Shah said that he can feel the public’s displeasure against the Mamata Banerjee government. With this, he called upon the people to root out the Trinamool government in 2021. After paying tribute to the statue of tribal icon Birsa Munda in Puabagan, Shah said, “I have been in Bengal since yesterday (Wednesday).” Wherever I went, there was a warm welcome. There is a lot of public anger against this government and there is strong faith in the Modi government. ”
Also read in Hindi: West Bengal: ममता का किला भेदने की तैयारी, अमित शाह ने 200+ का टारगेट रखा