Raipur: Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel today attended the meeting of Chief Ministers chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi today. Baghel attended the meeting via video conferencing from his residence office. In the meeting, measures taken for prevention of COVID-19 infection in various states of the country were reviewed. Preparation and action plan for vaccination in near future was also discussion in the meeting.
Chief Minister informed in the meeting that in Chhattisgarh, COVID-19 situation is under control. Every day 23 thousand screening tests are being done. There were no cases of COVID infection in rural areas earlier, but later a few cases were reported. But Mitanins have done commendable work for prevention of COVID-19 infection. The number of beds with oxygen facility and ICU beds has been increased. All the medical colleges in the state have RTPCR facility. Four new labs have been established for testing. From October month, the number of new cases has gradually declined.
The number of COVID cases has decreased by 50%, but there is no reduction in the number of tests being conducted. He informed that in the month of July there were 4% positive cases in the state, 8% in August, 15 % in September, 10.5% in October, and 7% in November. Death rate was 1% in October-November, 2020. Chief Minister said that initially there were very few cases of corona in Chhattisgarh, but as people started people from other states began to come, the number of cases significantly increased. He added that till date, more than 23 lakh tests have been conducted. He also informed that oxygen plants would be set up in medical colleges.
On the occasion, Health Minister T.S. Singhdeo, Home Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu, Chief Secretary RP Mandal, Director General of Police DM. Awasthi, Additional Chief Secretary to Chief Minister Subrata Sahu, Additional Chief Secretary Health Renuji Pillai, Director of National Health Mission Dr. Priyanka Shukla and Director Health Neeraj Bansod were present.