Bio-terrorism and climate change are the next threats to humanity; Billionaire Bill Gates has revealed

Bioterrorism is the next threat to humanity, billionaire Bill Gates has revealed in an interview with science youTuber Derek Muller on his channel Veritasium. YouTuber Derek Muller, who runs the popular channel ‘Veritasium’, uploaded a video of his conversation with Gates on Thursday.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Gates

Gates, who predicted the pandemic in 2015, told Muller that biotourism, which occurs when someone who wants to cause damage viruses to engineers, is likely the next “disaster” that isn’t ready for humans.

Following the epidemic warning, Bill Gates warned about climate change, biodiversity. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has warned the world about the next disaster. Gates said that biodiversity and climate change could be the next biggest threat to humanity.

“So that means that the possibility of this [virus] moving in is naturally more due to current epidemics like pandemics,” Gates said.

And this is not the first time Gates has flagged biotourism as a major threat – bigger than a nuclear war. In 2017, Gates took to Reddit to question fans, saying: “I’m worried about biological devices that can be used by biotourists.”

That same year, the billionaire told The Telegraph that it would be “relatively easy” to engineer a new flu strain. Unlike a nuclear war, however, the disease will not stop killing once released. Gates said that the next disaster that is not ready for humans is climate change.

He said, “In this epidemic there will be an even greater event than dying.” Last year, Gates wrote in his blog Gatsnotes that by 2060, climate change could be just as deadly as an epidemic, and by 2100, it could be fatal five times.

“The likelihood of economic damage from climate change over the next decade or two will be as bad as a COVID-sized epidemic every ten years,” he said.

And by the end of the century, it would be very bad if the world remained on its current emission path.

Gates told Muller that just like COVID, another pandemic could still wreak havoc on the world, despite that no lesson had been learned.

We can increase our preparedness, so there will never be death around what we have today,” Gates said.