New Delhi: Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) President and former Union Minister Ajit Singh died on Thursday due to Corona, his son Jayant Chaudhary confirmed this. He was a prominent leader of western Uttar Pradesh. On April 20, Singh was undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Gurugram after testing positive for the coronavirus. RJD Vice President Jayant Chaudhary confirmed this in a tweet and said, “Chaudhary Ajit Singh ji got Corona positive on April 20. He breathed his last on the morning of 6 May. “There is a wave of mourning in the political corridor with the death of Ajit Singh.
Jayant also shared a note on Twitter on behalf of family members, writing, “Throughout his lifetime, many people have loved and respected Chaudhary Saheb.” He in turn carried this bond with all of you and gave his best thought and effort for your welfare. As our country is facing a terrible epidemic, our humble request to all of them is to stay home as far as possible. We should follow all safety protocols to keep ourselves and all those around us healthy and safe. The best way would be to honor Chaudhary Saheb as well as all those Kovid warriors who are working day and night to protect us. All those families have been devastated by this cruel disease. Singh, a seven-time MP from Baghpat in Uttar Pradesh, was the son of former Prime Minister Chaudhary Charan Singh. He founded RLD in 1996.
Rashtriya Lok Dal leader Ajit Singh was born on 12 February 1939 in Meerut and was the son of former Prime Minister and the country’s big farmer leader Chaudhary Charan Singh. He was a big face of Indian politics. Presently, he was one of the biggest leaders of the peasant leaders. Many political parties including the Samajwadi Party and BJP mourn his death, calling it an irreparable loss of Indian politics.
Samajwadi Party expressed grief by tweeting
The Samajwadi Party tweeted and wrote, “President of Rashtriya Lok Dal, former Union Minister Chaudhary Ajit Singh ji passed away, very sad! Your sudden disappearance has left a gap in the struggles of the farmers and never fill in Indian politics. Condolences to the bereaved family! God bless the departed soul. “
The political outreach of Ajit Singh, a four-time Union minister, can be gauged from the fact that he was a minister in the Congress-led UPA and the BJP government. He carried forward his father’s political legacy quite well and he was a six-time MP. However, he had to face defeat in 2014 and 2019.
(With agency inputs)