Lucknow: Pollution Control Board will adopt the Gorakhpur model for air pollution control and improvement of air quality in UP. It will be implemented especially in 17 non-maintenance cities of UP having a population of more than 10 lakhs. Implementation of this action plan will start in winter. The council has started making a strategy to implement it.
The steps taken to improve the air quality in Gorakhpur have yielded excellent results. Recently, the Chief Minister had instructed the Pollution Control Council to implement the model adopted in Gorakhpur for air improvement in the non-maintenance cities of UP. In Gorakhpur, the Municipal Corporation, Forest Department and Pollution Control Board implemented infrastructure projects like highway construction, road widening, parking infrastructure, end-to-end paving of the road, hot spot management in an efficient and strategic manner to improve air quality. did.
It also showed excellent results. There has been a significant improvement in air quality in Gorakhpur in 2020-21 and the number of days with good air quality has increased. After this strategy was implemented in Rae Bareli and Khurja also. There too the air quality has improved a lot. Preparations are to be made to implement this strategy in non-maintenance cities from November.
Dust app portal will keep an eye on the constructions
Dust App Portal of UP Pollution Control Board will play an important role to prevent pollution during construction work. All construction projects will have to compulsorily upload the Dust Control Self Audit. After this, the board will conduct their cross audit through joint teams of the concerned departments. Apart from this, road dust has been recognized as a major cause of air pollution. To reduce this, instructions have also been issued for mechanical cleaning, spraying and covering of construction material during transportation.