Here’s Which Countries Are Opening Doors to Afghan Refugees?

Following the hostile takeover of their homeland by the Taliban, thousands of Afghans are desperately trying to flee and seek refuge as refugees in other countries.

While countries such as Russia and Austria are unwilling to accept any refugees, others including the US, UK, Canada and India have come forward to offer asylum to Afghan refugees in their countries.

According to reports, the US is ready to accept more than 10,000 Afghan refugees. This will primarily include Afghans who have previously helped or worked with the US government.

The Priority 2 (P-2) designation was announced by the US State Department on August 2, which allows access to the US Refugee Admission Program (USRAP) for certain Afghan citizens and their eligible family members.

The US Department said in a statement: “The US objective remains a peaceful, secure Afghanistan. However, in light of the increasing level of Taliban violence, the US government is working to provide some Afghans, including those from the United States, people working together. Opportunity for refugee resettlement in the United States.”

Donations for refugees flood across Britain
There has been an unprecedented response to the charity raising funds for Afghan refugees.

United Kingdom
Britain announced on 18 August that it would accept 20,000 Afghan citizens as refugees.

In the first year of the resettlement plan, the government will rehabilitate 5,000 Afghans at risk of the current crisis. The government has also said that it will give priority to women, girls, children and religious minorities.

The Home Office said in a statement: “This rehabilitation plan will be placed under further review for future years, up to a total of 20,000 over the long term.”

“Those who have been forced to flee their homes or face threats of persecution from the Taliban will be offered a route to permanently settle in the UK,” the official statement said. “

Canadian Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino said on Friday, August 20 that his country would consider accepting more Afghan refugees from the United States and other allies if requested.

According to a Deccan Herald report, Canada is one of the countries that has been evacuating Afghan nationals who worked in or helped these Western countries in the past 20 years.

Earlier this month, Canada promised to resettle 20,000 Afghan refugees who had fled the country.

Germany is also one of the western countries allowing Afghan refugees into its country after the Taliban takeover. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that the country will give asylum to about 10,000 Afghans.

India announced that in view of the current situation in Afghanistan after the Taliban came to power, it would issue emergency visas to Afghan nationals who wish to come to the country.

India has also introduced the ‘e-emergency ex-variety visa’ online and all Afghans, irrespective of their religion, can apply for it. The validity of the visa will be for six months now.

Afghan refugees protest in front of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) office in Delhi on 23 August. The protesters also requested the Indian government to provide them refugee status/cards as they have been living in India for a long time. “There are over 21,000 Afghan refugees in India. There is no reason to return to Afghanistan now.”

Other Countries Offering Asylum To Afghan Refugees

Iran: According to reports, emergency tents have been set up for refugees in Iran in three provinces that share a border with the country.

Pakistan: Afghans are allowed to cross the border and enter Pakistan but the country has said that it will seal its border with Afghanistan.

Uganda: Uganda is ready to temporarily take 2,000 refugees from Afghanistan at the request of the United States.

Countries refusing to accept Afghan refugees

French President Emmanuel Macron has said his country is ready to help and protect those in danger, but at the same time Europe needs to protect itself from illegal migrants.

The Austrian government will not accept asylum seekers who have fled the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan. However, they will instead focus on helping them at the local level.

According to an interview published by Radio Pulse 24, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said, “I am clearly opposed to voluntarily accepting more people. Under my supervision, this will not happen.”

Turkey is strengthening its border with Iran to stop the exodus of Afghans who may flee. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey would not become a “refugee warehouse” in Europe.