Hindus an integral part of Britain: UK opposition leaders on ‘Hinduphobia’

Britain’s opposition Labor Party leader Keir Starmer said on Thursday that his party was committed to fighting hate crimes following communal clashes in Leicester and Birmingham following an India-Pakistan cricket match last month. In direct reference to the word “Hinduphobia”, the leader while addressing a Navratri celebrations said.

“I know that many people are targeted on the basis of their religion and hate crimes have increased in recent years. I am very tired of our divisive politics. The division we have seen on the streets of Leicester, I am saddened by this and in recent weeks Birmingham; the violence and hatred perpetrated by extremists exploiting social media. We must all stand together against all attempts to spread hatred,” he said.

Attending Dussehra celebrations in London for the first time, Keer Starmer spoke about the deep significance of the festival.

“The fire burning effigies of Ravana across the world is a reminder of the need to extinguish the evil facing our society – the need to defeat poverty, injustice, hatred and attack our own shadows and bad habits,” says Keir Starr said.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Hindu community for your contribution to the UK, whatever you do for us, whether its culture, business, financial sector, the NHS, your community through cost of living Support. Your contribution to Britain is huge. You are an integral part of Britain, past, present and future.