International Women’s Day; “Women in Leadership: A COVID-19 Achieving a Equal Future in the World”

Every year, on 8 March is celebrated as International Women’s Day. It celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, while highlighting the problems they face in day-to-day life as well as in the professional environment.

The theme for International Women’s Day 2021 is “Women in Leadership: A COVID-19 Achieving a Equal Future in the World” is the theme of this year’s Women’s Day.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, greetings and best wishes to all fellow citizens from President of India.

The day is also marked as an action to intensify gender equality. From this remarkable day forward, let us learn about the importance, history, theme and challenges of this year in 2021. This year, International Women’s Day is being specially marked to highlight the challenges brought by the Covid-19 epidemic. .

The history of International Women’s Day can be traced to International Women’s Day until February 28, 1909, when the Socialist Party of America designated this day in honor of the garment workers’ strike in New York. However, the first official celebration of International Women’s Day occurred in 1911, when women from several European countries (Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland) participated in the demonstrations.

More than one million women were taken to the streets to demand the right to vote, and the right to public offices. Women opposed employment sex discrimination and equal pay. On March 8, 1917, another important demonstration in Europe, women textile workers in St. Petersburg (formerly Petrograd) were seen taking to the streets, which later became the Russian Revolution.

The day has been celebrated mainly by communist countries and socialist movements until 1967, when the United Nations recognized this day and began to celebrate it as International Women’s Day, which we know today.

Importance of International Women’s Day International Women’s Day, which is observed every year on 8 March, is scheduled to celebrate womanism, and its achievements in relation to divisions – national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic, or political. Without recognizing. It is the day to acknowledge and make people aware of women’s rights and gender equality, equality, and to take action to accelerate women’s equality.

The celebration of International Women’s Day has now become a national holiday in many countries. However, it is still ignored in many countries, making it a day of protest as well as a day of celebration. In some countries, in Bulgaria and Romania, International Women’s Day is celebrated as Mother’s Day.

This highlights that women can be equal partners in decision-making processes, especially regarding policy making. According to the United Nations, only three countries of the world have 50 percent or more women in parliament. Only 22 countries have women as heads of state. In fact, 119 countries of the world have never had a woman leader as head of state.