New Delhi: Kangana Ranaut is going to Mumbai on September 9 and openly challenged Sanjay Raut of Shiv Sena. A few days ago in Mumbai, the Mahila Morcha demonstrated against her. In view of their security, the Himachal government had demanded their security from the central government. The Center has agreed to provide security to actress Kangana Ranaut. Recently, the Himachal Pradesh government had expressed concern against the threat received by Kangana from Maharashtra government and Shiv Sena.
On getting the security, Kangana Ranaut tweeted, “This is proof that no fascist will be able to crush any patriotic voice now. I am thankful to Amit Shah ji if he wanted me to go to Mumbai a few days later due to the circumstances, but he kept the words of a daughter of India, respecting our self-respect and self-respect, Jai Hind. “
According to sources, Kangana and her family requested the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh for protection. CM Jai Ram Thakur then appealed to the Center to provide security to Kangana when she travels outside Himachal Pradesh. The Center has accepted this request and has decided to provide Y-grade security to Kangana.
Earlier on Monday, Maharashtra’s ruling party Shiv Sena continued its attack on Kangana, calling her a ‘mad woman’ in her mouthpiece Saamana. The editorial said while trying to end insider versus external discrimination, “Mumbai is now like Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (referring to Kangana’s words), which is an insult to all Marathi people and sacrificed 106 martyred soldiers for Mumbai. has gone. Any outsider actress who got everything from Mumbai, insulted and said the wrong thing about Mumbai, it will not be tolerated. “
The “madwoman” who insulted Mumbai and the police does not have the right to live in Maharashtra, and this statement has already been made by Hitchhiker Home Minister Anil Deshmukh without hesitation. He said that Kangana should not be allowed in Mumbai.
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कंगना को मिली Y-ग्रेड सिक्योरिटी; केंद्र ने हिमाचल सरकार का अनुरोध स्वीकारा