New Delhi: The war between Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut and Shiv Sena is still going on. Today she is going back to her hometown Manali from Mumbai. Meanwhile, she tweeted and once again hit the Maharashtra government. In her tweet, she questioned the working style of the Maharashtra government. Taking a dig at Uddhav Thackeray, she once again compared Mumbai to Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK).
Kangana Ranaut spoke about the atrocities inflicted on her in this tweet and wrote, “By attacking them, Shiv Sena is tarnishing its own image” are doing. Gharials are ripping apart democracy. Thinking of me as weak, I am making a big mistake! Scaringawomananddegrading her,dusting off her image!
Earlier Kangana announced her return to Manali in a tweet. Kangana wrote, “I am leaving Mumbai with a heavy heart. The way I was terrorized. These days attacks were made on me. An attempt was made to break my house after my office. Constantly abused. Vigilant security around me with deadly weapons. Needless to say, I was right about PoK. “
On reaching Chandigarh from Mumbai, she again targeted the Shiv Sena and said, “As soon as I get into Chandigarh, my security name is just left, people are congratulating me happily, I think this time I survived, there was a day when Mumbai I used to feel the coolness of Mother’s lap. Today is the day when the lives are saved, millions are found, the Shiv Sena spoke to the terrorist administration in Mumbai as soon as the Sonia Army. “
Let us tell you that on September 9, Kangana Ranaut reached Mumbai from Manali and before her arrival, BMC cracked her office while taking action at her office. After which, the verbal war between the Maharashtra government and Kangana Ranaut had intensified. After this step taken by BMC, Kangana Ranaut shared a video and targeted Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray.
Also read in Hindi: कंगना ने छोड़ी मुम्बई, कहा- PoK वाली मेरी बात बिल्कुल सही साबित हुई…