Mumbai: The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) appeared in action today. This morning, the court sent actress Rhea Chakraborty’s brother Shouvik Chakraborty and the late actor’s house manager Samuel Miranda to the custody of Narcotics NCB till 9 September. Late in the evening, he has also arrested Deepesh Sawant, who works at the house of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput. He is the third person to be arrested by the NCB. Deepesh Sawant is a servant working at Sushant’s house, who lived on the lower floor of the duplex. Along with Siddharth Pithani, Keshav Bachchan and Neeraj, Dipesh Sawant was present at home on 13-14 June, when Sushant was found dead. NCB reported that Rhea and Shovik would be confronted with Deepesh.
The NCB, which is investigating the case of Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, has gathered important clues after questioning Abbas Lakhani and Karan Arora, who supply drugs to several Bollywood celebrities in Mumbai. The drug connection is only a small glimpse into the death of Sushant Singh Rajput. Based on the leads received by NCB, it will initiate action in other major metros across the country based on information from people involved in drug trafficking in Mumbai.
Please tell here that a WhatsApp of Dipesh Sawant came out a few days ago. The special thing is that this chat is between 10 to 51 minutes of 14 June between 4 and 29 minutes in which Sushant was also mentioned. In this chat, Deepesh wrote to someone that Sushant has asked me to get in touch with you regarding the Flipkart deal. After this, the response came from that person after the death of Sushant at 2.48 AM.
It was written in response – Bhai is safe? Please reply, if you want any help, we are out to call, if you find any need, then we will come in 5 minutes. At the same time, the same person talked to Sushant on WhatsApp on 9 June. In which he wrote to Sushant – ‘Brother Flipkart is trying to contact you, whose number should I give’. So Sushant replied, ‘Deepesh is with me’.
Siddartha Pithani had told in her statement to CBI that Rhea Chakraborty never used to buy drugs or marijuana herself, but instead used to buy drugs through Deepesh Sawant, Cook Neeraj, Keshav and House Manager Samuel Miranda. In such a situation, Deepesh can also make many important and big revelations in the case of drugs.