Mumbai: Actor-turned-politician Urmila Matondkar has bought a new property in Khar area of Mumbai. Urmila has bought an office of Rs 3.75 crore at Durga Chambers on Linking Road. Recently Urmila left the Congress and joined the Shiv Sena. As soon as she takes office, she has come on the trail of actress Kangana Ranaut. The battle of Kangana Ranaut and Urmila Matondkar is quite old. The two do not miss any opportunity to get at each other.
By the way, Kangana does not leave any chance to target anyone. From actress leader to Bollywood celebs, she keeps on tightening all over. This time he has attacked actress and Shiv Sena leader Urmila Matondkar.
Urmila Matondkar, who recently joined Shiv Sena, has bought a new office in Mumbai for about Rs 4 crore. Kangana Ranaut has targeted him on this.
Kangana has been taunting saying that she had no benefit of supporting the BJP, but Urmila benefited greatly due to the Congress. He has written in the tweet- Urmila ji I had built my own houses with hard work, Congress is breaking them. I have only 25-30 cases to appease the BJP, I wish I had been as intelligent as you and would have made Congress happy.
Kangana has further written – I am right, I turned out to be very stupid. No? Kangana Ranaut’s tweet has gone viral on social media. Fans are enjoying this statement very much.
It is known that Kangan’s anger towards Urmila does not surprise them. Recently, when Kangana Ranaut had praised Mumbai, Urmila had said – Have you fallen headlong?
Even before this when Kangana compared Mumbai to Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, Urmila strongly condemned Kangana. In such a situation, now Kangana has to answer.