Mumbai: Amazon Prime Video released the much awaited trailer of Vidya Balan starrer Sherni. The trailer received an overwhelming response from the audience and within hours of the trailer release, several women forest officials also took to social media to express their views. Vidya Balan is seen playing the role of Vidya, an honest woman forest officer.
The love they have received for this film and an exciting trailer is uncanny. Some forest officials also reacted to the trailer and were very impressed with Vidya Balan for presenting and portraying an untold role and an unusual story. Audience reactions always matter for an actor but the appreciation of the real forest officials, the people on whom the film depicts, is a heartwarming moment for Vidya Balan.
The trailer has made a place in the hearts of some real forest officials. Have a look at these tweets of forest officials:
While praising the trailer, calling it promising and fair, these forest officials justify the efforts put in by the makers of the film. Vidya is as cruel as a tiger when she has to break the shackles of stereotypes and patriarchy, as well as activate the department to plan. The roaring trailer depicts Vidya’s journey, with some deranged characters. The ensemble cast includes names like Sharad Saxena, Mukul Chadha, Vijay Raaz, Ila Arun, Brijendra Kala and Neeraj Kabi.
Produced by T-Series and Abudantia Entertainment, this Amazon Original movie is directed by award-winning filmmaker Amit Masurkar, who is known for his critically acclaimed film ‘Newton’. Prime members can stream The Lioness exclusively on Amazon Prime Video from June 18.